Anna M. Palau

Serra Húnter Associate Professor
Department of Political Science


Serra Húnter Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona (Department of Political Science). She conducted post-graduate studies at the University of Essex (UK) where she got an MA in Politics (with distinction) and received her PhD from the University of Barcelona. She has been researcher also at the University of Washington (USA) and Sciences Po (Bordeaux). Her research focuses on the analysis of parliamentary behavior and public policy, with a focus on agenda setting.

At present, she is part of the research group Q-Dem where coordinates the analysis of the Europeanization of the political and the media agenda. She is part of the Comparative Agendas Project (CAP), an international network of scholars that analyze agenda setting dynamics from a comparative perspective. She is also part of the group “Opposition parties in Europe: Goals, Strategies and Discourse” (OPEu) that explores patterns of parliamentary consensus and conflict in different European democracies. She collaborates also in the project “Collective Actiona and Corruption in Spain: limits and possibilities of institutional reforms” where coordinates the analysis of the impact of the media on the efficacy of anticorruption policies.

She is author of two books, Agenda Dynamics in Spain (con Laura Chaqués y Frank Baumgartner) and Cataluña en Europa: Límites y Oportunidades del Proceso de Integración (2018). She has also published different articles in national and international journals, among others European Union Politics, Comparative Political Studies, West European Politics, Journal of Legislative Studies, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Revista Española de Ciencia Política o Revista de Estudios Políticos.