Regulation on transparencyTRANSPARENCY AND THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTIONTransparency policies are one of the largest transformations in the functioning of political institutions in advanced democracies. The objective of transparency policy is to reinforce the fight against corruption, strengthen citizen’s trust towards political institutions and guarantee the efficiency of public policy. Q-Dem’s goal is to analyze how transparency is regulated in Spain at the national and sub-national level, and to explain to what extent the scope of regulation varies depending on the following factors: the level of corruption in each territory, institutional factors such as the type of government, the electoral cycle, party ideology, or the mobilization of the interest groups. To do that we have developed different datasets about transparency regulations and policy actors mobilization strategies regarding this issue.
Parliamentary ActivityTRANSPARENCY AND THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTIONQ-DEM also contributes to enhance transparency policy by developing datasets that permit to trace policy maker’s activities across time, issues, venues and levels of government. These datasets allow the academic community and citizens in general to trace and monitor the activities of the members of parliament and government across time: Which issues are policy-makers paying attention to across the term? Which issues are neglected in the parliamentary agenda, or/and the media agenda? Which members of parliament are more active? How political parties allocate their attention across issues? Which are their voting strategies?
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