The Serra Húnter Programme promotes the hiring of highly qualified faculty members with academic records meeting high-level international standards. The SHP is part of a new academic staff model that the Government…
Q-Dem at Law and Society Association annual meeting, 7th-10th June, 2018
Luz Muñoz will attend with her paper “Environmental NGOs litigation in a multilevel system of…
Q-Dem at the V Jornada de Comportament Polític i Opinió Pública organized by the IN3-UOC
Camilo Cristancho will be at the V Conference on Political Behavior and Public Opinion. The…
Q-Dem has been recognized as a Research Consolidated Group
Q-dem, recognized by the AGAUR as a Grup de Recerca Consolidat i Financiat from 2018…
Estudio sobre el cubrimiento mediático de la protesta
¡Los movimientos sociales cumplen 50 años en 2018! Desde la universidad estamos estudiando su relación…
Laura Chaqués-Bonafont at the Departamento de Periodismo of the Universitat Jaume I (Castellon de la Plana)
Last Friday 15th December (2017) Laura Chaqués-Bonafont has been at the Departamento de Periodismo of…
New research Grant!
Camilo Cristancho (IP) in collaboration with other members of Q-DEM was awarded with one of…
Q-Dem at the 76th Annual MPSA in Chicago, April 5-8
Q-Dem members, Laura Chaqués-Bonafont and Camilo Cristancho will be at the 76th Annual MPSA in…
Propose a paper at the ECPR general conference section New Perspectives and Emerging Themes in Interest Group Research
Laura Chaqués-Bonafont will be chairing Panel 2: Beyond the Usual Suspects: Interest Group Populations in…